Pledge to fight for the freedom to read!

Every child deserves to see themselves represented in the books that help raise them, but extremist politicians want to ban any story that doesn’t reflect their narrow mindset—and they’re getting bolder with each passing year. According to PEN America, there have been over 1,400 separate instances of book bans recorded across the country since the start of the 2022-2023 school year. This includes 874 unique titles in 182 school districts and 37 states. Their agenda is clear when you read between the lines: four in ten banned books feature LGBTQ+ identities, and the majority are authored by people of color. They want to erase our stories, identity, and even our history. It’s hate, plain and simple. Every public school student should have access to books and resources in their schools that make them feel included and that teach them a complete and honest history. Alongside the National Education Association, a Greater Than Hate partner, we’re calling for politicians and communities to protect the freedom to read by saying NO to book bans. We need every voice we can get to ensure this call cannot be ignored. Sign the Greater Than Hate Coalition’s Freedom to Read pledge and tell politicians to stop banning books.