When students go back to school, parents go back to action: September 23 - 30

Add your name to the Parents Pledge and download a free mobile screensaver below, and show the world that combined, we are Greater Than Hate.

The Parents Week of Action Pledge

I pledge to defend our kids and families from the hateful actions of extremist groups and hostile politicians.

The Parents Week of Action is HERE, and through events all across the country we’re fighting back against the extremism that’s creeping into our Kids’ schools!

Schools should be places where all of our children are free to be who they are and where we lay a foundation for who they will become. Every student should be free to go to school without fear of discrimination or violence. But this back-to-school season, thanks to the actions of extremist politicians and hate groups, students are being forced into increasingly hostile and dangerous environments. Anti-equality forces have banned our children from seeing themselves in their curriculum, erasing critical lessons that impact their health, safety, and future successes. These forces have prioritized protecting assault weapons over protecting every child’s freedom to learn. All under the guise of “parental rights.”

But we’re fighting back. Every parent should be able to count on our schools to respect and affirm our children. Every student should be able to see themselves and their families reflected in their school and in their school’s curriculum as part of the critical path to achieving health and success. Parents have the right to protect their kids.

And we’re not stopping here. Parents have power when we come together and speak with one voice. Side by side, we’re telling the fear-mongers that enough is enough: we won’t be pawns in your hateful game of division. 

Click on the graphic below to grab your original Parents Week of Action phone background, which you can use to show your support for kids everywhere!